[Empeg-general] Re: Dimmer Question

Henno Putto henno.empeg@xs4all.nl
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:53:00 GMT

>  the empeg wait[s] for the line to be stable for a while -- so we can distinguish the line "really" going up or down, from the line being "flickered" up and down. 

Yep, I can see the need to so so, but why would it have to wait when its dims (when the lights are switched on) and reacts immediately when the lights are turned off?

Or is it may be caused by my car that gradually builds up voltage on the dimmer line when the lights needs to be dimmed, and immediately dropping voltage when dimming is no longer required?

BTW: It's a BMW

mk2 > 6 nr 6