[Empeg-general] Re: I thought 18GB was too much!

avatarTX@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org avatarTX@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 16:07:00 GMT

I guess in my case its a little different.  I am still in the queue and have not yet ordered but I only plan on getting the 6 gig version.

I too have a bunch of CDs, probably like 250 or so.  Some I listen to a lot and others not as often.  I listen to most all the way through, but few do I honestly like all the songs.

When I rip my CDs, I only rip the singles that I want to hear.  I do as few as 2 or 3 songs from one CD all the way to the entire album.  My personal collection of MP3s numbers about 730 files with about half recorded at 128 while the rest are higher.  The sound quality is good enough for me so far, no problem there.  Total disk space is about 3GB for me at this time, and I have a hard time looking for something else to rip that I want to hear.

I guess my point is that I don't rip the entire CD, just the songs I want to hear.  I also have a lot of room for adding new MP3s when I get them, and don't expect to fill the 6GB drive any time soon.  I also don't ever expect to hit the SKIP feature hardly at all.  Why save the file to your MKII if you are only going to SKIP it when it comes up?  I say use that disk space for something you really want to hear.

Financially, it makes sense for me to spend the extra $100 price difference and go ahead and get the 12GB version.. but I honestly don't see me ever needing that kind of space.  Upgrading to a larger drive will only cost more, and slightly inconvenient.  But I could use that $100 to buy future CDs to rip.. or beer.  Most likely beer in my case.

queue 15772 - almost there!