[Empeg-general] Re: Big trouble with my empeg unit.

Paul Wayper paulway@earthling.net
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 23:35:00 GMT

Giant, a regular poster on the MP3.com car hardware BBS, has been criticising the empeg car player for not having an in-built amplifier.  Citing "All the high-end Kenwood models have one" and "how am I supposed to afford a $1000 amp when I can get inbuilt 4x45W amps for sub $200".  He seems impervious to the idea that to get larger amounts of power than this you would need an external amplifier, or the idea that any in-built amplifier might not be of as high a quality as an external one.  While HighwayDrifter did, IMNSHO, go a bit over the top in his dissing of Giant, appeals to reason don't seem to have worked.

I'm quite happy for them to fight it out over there.

> Save the whales.  Feed the hungry.  Free the mallocs.