[Empeg-general] Re: Dupe or not a dupe?

Dragi Raos draos@4mate.hr
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 20:56:00 GMT

UPDaTE: I just trIed thIs and changIng a fIeld on a copy, changes It for all Instances. Boo... Oh well.

There _is_ just one copy. As I said somewhere recently, every tune gets two files, one with FID ending in '0' containing the MP3 itself, and another with incremented FID, an ASCII file with tags. Playlist '0' file simply lists FIDs of tunes and/or lists it consists of. So, emplode copy is actually a link, but without a separate set of attributes. 

Perhaps it would be usefull to have data file FIDs of the form xxxx0 as now, and tag files with FID of the form xxxxN, with N being not just 1, but [1-9a-f] (123456789abcdef for regex challenged :)) Emplode and emptool would then differentiate between copy and link. In both cases we would refere to the same tune/playlist data file, but would be able to have up to 15 different sets of tags. (I have found I would sometimes like to have a copy of a playlist under different name.)


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green