[Empeg-general] People not registering their empegs

Paul Wayper paulway@earthling.net
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:29:00 GMT

I was browsing through the [url http://www.empeg.mars.org]Unofficial Developer Site[/url] and noted that there are only 276 (at time of writing) empegs registered there.  Since this is pretty obviously way less than the number of empegs sold so far, I was wondering what reasons people had to register or not register.

I personally think registering your empeg is a good idea.  The information you need give can be as minimal as you like, so there's no risk of someone going through the list looking for people to steal from.  It's also a really cool way of finding out people in your local area to go and visit if you have problems, want to see an empeg in action, or just want to drop round for a beer and compare installation notes.  I like the sense of community it gives.  And of course if there were people out there who had done installs on, say, Nissan NXs, I would be able to ask them what they did and how they did it.

So what are your reasons for registering or not?

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