[Empeg-general] Re: ETA for WMA?

Robin O Leary empeg@ro.nu
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 22:59:00 GMT

rob wrote:
> Microsoft have just delayed our WMA licence as they're making
> some changes to the library at the moment.

Does this mean that every empeg sale will (or already did)
further subsidise the evil empire?  This is a dismal prospect.

Even more upsetting is the thought that if I upgrade to this
version, my previously unsullied empeg will contain and might
actually execute Microsoft-written code on a network-capable
device (at least, I assume it is currently unsullied---can
anyone reassure me on that?).

Does empeg get the source for this library or just a binary?
If just binary, as I suspect, it's a very alarming prospect
indeed and I'd like to request there be a WMA-free release for
those of us with a reasonable dose of paranoia and principles
to uphold!

I think it's already been mentioned that the codec mechanism
will be a plug-in architecture, so it should be possible to
just leave out the WMA bit and have it loaded separately.

<A HREF="http://ro.nu/" target="_new">http://ro.nu/</A> Robin O'Leary