[Empeg-general] How did you solve this problem?

Sevenger@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org Sevenger@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 23:49:00 GMT

So I finally get my MarkII 12GB Blue!
And I'm really happy!
But there's one point I'm thinking about.
When I install it in my car (BMW 316i Compact) there are several situations when I want to take my empeg with me but don't want to leave it in the slot.
It is to easy to steal it (just pull out and there you go).
But I also don't want to take it with me.
So what kind of solutions do you have to place the empeg in the car but prevent it from beeing stolen.
I thought about something like a metall case but I don't know where to get some!
Any hints?