[Empeg-general] Re: ETA for WMA?

Hugo Fiennes altman@empeg.com
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:50:00 GMT

Yes, every empeg sale will pay something to MS; however, every empeg sale also payes *more* to Thompson/Frauhofer, so I wouldn't get that worried. Apart from that, we pay MS rather a lot for all their MSDN stuff, VC++, etc etc - we do develop for the PC after all.

No, we just get binaries. We have to link with them though, so we're totally sure it does nothing apart from decoding audio data - there are no back doors in there.

The architecture is plug-in, but they're not separate files. The likelyhood of us doing a non-WMA capable release of 1.1 onwards is zero - it just adds time and hassle to the release process. Sorry!

As tfabris says, "relax, it's only software".
