[Empeg-general] Re: Good God what did i Do?

TheTwin314@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org TheTwin314 at empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 08:52:00 GMT

actually what he did was completely protected in the "Fair use act" it states that you are more than free to make copies of your albums that you bought for friends.  Yes that definition of the fair use act is stretched just a little bit over P2P networks or FTP servers, but in that one particular case it used to be legal, until new freedom ripping laws were put into act.

soapbox/high horse whatever you want to call it I'm off of it now   If it's an artist I like then I will always buy the album, but for the "flavour of the month" bands, I'll download, because they have no talent to justify me spending my money on them, they only have the recording industry paying tons of money to hype them and shove them down everyones throat.  crap, ok this time I'm seriously off my high horse 
