[ExtractStream] Ok, got started last night.

Grant Stockly grant at s...
Sun, 08 Jul 2001 06:09:10 -0800

At 07:32 AM 7/7/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Grant Stockly wrote:
> > Get the divx codec, a program called VirtualDub, and FlaskMPEG.
> >
> > FlaskMPEG will give you an AVI and virtual dub will put the video and 
> audio
> > together -real- quick.
>Yea, but I'm working on an automated "tivo -> X -> Divx" script that I can
>just run and forget about. That's the way to go if you ask me. If
>someone asks me, "Hey, did you tape that Seinfeld the other night" or
>whatever, I can just pull off the digital copy (hopefully already
>processed) from my home DSL line and have them viewing it anywhere at work
>or on their home machine withing a few minutes (download time). That's
>the plan anyway. I don't care about a napster-type service or anything,
>I'm just sick of making tapes for my friends and would rather have my
>computer do all of the work for me instead. Isn't that what computers are
>for anyway? 8)

The divx for linux (in 3.14 at least) used the windows dlls, so its 
processor dependant. I wanted to view divx movies on my PPC Linux machine, 
but it was a no go. Anyway, the divx compression would be software. Its 
~12fps with mp3 audio on a 533MHz Celeron, so we can bet that the 50MHz PPC 
isn't going to do very well...

I always manually delete the commercials anyway. You can cut 8 minutes off 
a 30 min show and 16 off an hour. Saves space and you can get great divx 
compression on a 44.5 minute mpeg2 when you have 650MB to mess with.
