
Mark Williams mw362 at y...
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 08:34:06 -0000

It's going to run on for a while... then it'll end.

I extracted yesterday's (rerun) West Wing to a file on a Windows 2000 
Pro machine over my TiVoNET. Took about 40 minutes to transfer and 
during the transfer, the TiVo itself was unusable (freezes). 

But I did end up with separate video and audio files, that I was able 
to splice with TMPGEnc's MPEG utility. http://www.tmpgenc.com/

I can then watch it in FlasKMPEG. http://go.to.flaskmpeg

Spliced together, the MPEG file of the West Wing (60 minutes) is 
about 1.25 GB.

I'll tackle the VCD compression and burn tomorrow...