[ExtractStream] Re: that green bar

Aaron Markham aaronmarkham at y...
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 16:06:58 -0700 (PDT)

--- willieb9000@y... wrote:
> I can tell you how to crop it off using TMPGenc if
> that is what you 
> use. Basically, you can either mask it with black
> and not resize or 
> stretch the video at all or you can crop and resize
> to completely 
> fill the screen again. I usually mask it so I don't
> have to resize 
> and it works fine -- I output my files to my TV form
> my computer, so 
> I just crop it before I send it out to the TV using
> my TV display 
> program. 
> If you use TMPGenc then post here and I will walk
> you through it.

Yes, I'm currently using TMPGenc. Quick question
about that though...I'm using version beta 12
(TMPGEnc- I have another version
TMPGEnc- ... which seems to have better
features (or they appear to at least work), but the
multiplexing is much, much slower. What's the deal? 
Anyways, let me know what version you're using and
please hook me up with the directions on how to crop
that green line.

I can't wait until I (or someone else) figure(s) out
how to get this stuff fully scripted. TCL is not my
bag, but I'm willing to learn. I like the idea of
hitting the "Now Showing" Tivo web page and clicking
send to PC. If that works then I could set up
something on the PC side to pick it up, encode it to a
more managable size and off it goes (think of the
possibilities)... yay! That would be cool.


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