[ExtractStream] Re: mfs_stream

David Ondzes dao at p...
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 23:25:50 -0400

>> Well I replaced ExtractStream with mfs_stream_withpri1 and I am 
>> still having trouble extracting raw streams with TivoApp. 
>> According to the generated htrml page I should have 6 parts and it 
>> only extracted the last 2. The recordings are over 6 months 
>> old, could this be a problem ? I will try a newer recording and see 
>> if anything improves.
>Try running it manually. I built it so that it would show exactly 
>what it was doing. Telnet to the tivo and at the bach prompt do the 
>following: (this is pseudo code at best to translate as appropriate)
>1- cd to wherever the mfs_stream program is.
>2- get the list of FSIDs from your tool of preference.
>3- at the prompt do: ./mfs_stream -s FSID1 FSID2 FSID3 > /dev/null
>Then output will the say something to the effect of:
>Exporting FSID FSID1:
>1% <- which becomes 2% <- and so on all on one line.
>Exporting FSID FSID2:
>and so on all the way through all 6.
>If it goes through all of the FSIDs you give it then it is a TivoApp 
>bug. If not then it is something inside of mfs_stream.

Looks like the bug is in TivoApp, any idea how to track it down ?

bash-2.02# ./mfs_stream_withpri1 -s 1041724 1041723 1041722 1041721 1041720 1041718 > /dev/null
exporting fsid 1041724 of size 167772160 to stdout
exporting fsid 1041723 of size 536870912 to stdout
exporting fsid 1041722 of size 536870912 to stdout
exporting fsid 1041721 of size 536870912 to stdout
exporting fsid 1041720 of size 536870912 to stdout
exporting fsid 1041718 of size 536870912 to stdout

David Ondzes