
jewser joshua at b...
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 06:07:42 -0000

> Well I replaced ExtractStream with mfs_stream_withpri1 and I am 
> still having trouble extracting raw streams with TivoApp. 
> According to the generated htrml page I should have 6 parts and it 
> only extracted the last 2. The recordings are over 6 months 
> old, could this be a problem ? I will try a newer recording and see 
> if anything improves.

Try running it manually. I built it so that it would show exactly 
what it was doing. Telnet to the tivo and at the bach prompt do the 
following: (this is pseudo code at best to translate as appropriate)

1- cd to wherever the mfs_stream program is.
2- get the list of FSIDs from your tool of preference.
3- at the prompt do: ./mfs_stream -s FSID1 FSID2 FSID3 > /dev/null

Then output will the say something to the effect of:

Exporting FSID FSID1:
1% <- which becomes 2% <- and so on all on one line.
Exporting FSID FSID2:

and so on all the way through all 6.

If it goes through all of the FSIDs you give it then it is a TivoApp 
bug. If not then it is something inside of mfs_stream.

But let me repeat for my own benefit. All I did was stick a nice 
front end with some priority code in it onto mfs_export. If the 
program itself is bad it is beyond me at the moment to fix it.

Now having said that little disclaimer I have yet to see in 50+ 
extractions with it anything failing. So my best bet at this point is 
that it is a TivoApp bug. It used to stop on me all the time. Hence 
the reason I wrote my own.
