Newbie Question

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Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:14:12 -0700


Well got my Turbonet installed. Got the software installed. i put 
tivoftpd and tivoweb on the same floppy. I've read the threads about 
creating /var/hack/... to store this stuff. I'd appreciate some step by 
steps on mounting, creating the directory, and copying the files. I don't 
have Linux experience. So be kind. 

So first, I must mount not just the Tivo drive in the PC but the 
partition, 4,7 and or 9? 

Create the /var/hack/bin directory. (don't know how to do this), 

I guess I have to change the directory to the Floppy, Then copy the file 
or folder to the hack directory. 

Then I read I have to chmod Tivoftpd and tivoweb. 

Unmount the partitions. 

Then I should be able to put the drive back in the Tivo. I guess any 
other files i need on the Tivo can be etherneted over, correct? 

Any web site that would give me some Linux basics.

