divx and extractstream...so close and yet so far...

jewser joshua at b...
Sat, 27 Apr 2002 17:15:54 -0000

> I've used extractstream and 
> splitstream for a long time, but have recently started trying 
> mfs_stream and vsplit. The first time using mfs_stream/vsplit was 
> pretty much right on, but since then it's way off each time, just 
> like extractstream/splitstream was. 

It should never ever be off by more than 16ms in either direction. If 
it is then something is serious wrong. PLease use the TyFileSplit 
program and send me a 20meg or so clip of the very start of the file. 
This I would like to see.

If you still have the TyStream files and a fast enough link to make 
it reasonable to upload that much then please mail me and I will 
provide information.
