[ExtractStream] UK Tivo users

Steven Toth steve at t...
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:02:16 +0100

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the update ... This is a welcomed binary for windows users. 
I'm a linux user and I thought a linux version was way down on your list 
of priorities? Maybe I should have qualified my email a little better :-)

> Already done one
> to use this type
> TyConvertStream input.ty output <exclusion list>
> the reason for the exclusion list is that mfs_streams adds corrupt 1 chunk
> at the start of every 4096 chunks. If you use extractstream you dont get
> this problem

Sounds goods. I know you're planning to release some source code... And 
I know you're still fine tuning the code... I'm trying to tie this into 
a jukebox project I'm working on ... (which is currently at a stand 
still). Any thoughts on a release date?

