TiVo freeze with mfs_export

mikertx mike at i...
Sun, 24 Feb 2002 05:32:54 -0000

Hi Folks,

I have extracted several good tystreams onto my linux box
using mfs_export. I have lately found that my TiVo will
randomly freeze during extraction, sometimes. By sometimes
I mean that I may extract two tystreams fine and halfway
through the third it will freeze or sometimes it will
freeze on the first stream. I have tried running mfs_export
on tht tivo and writing to a nfs partition as well as
running vserver on the tivo and initiating the mfs_export
from the linux box. Either way I experience tivo lock-ups.

I'm running 2.5.1 on a Phillips SA unit with an upgraded hard

Anybody else experience this problem? Suggestions?
