[ExtractStream] TiVo freeze with mfs_export

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Sun, 24 Feb 2002 16:47:22 -0800 (PST)

--- mikertx <mike@i...> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have extracted several good tystreams onto my linux box
> using mfs_export. I have lately found that my TiVo will
> randomly freeze during extraction, sometimes.

Does it lock, requiring the "pull-the-plug" special reset button, or
does it reboot on it's own?

> By sometimes
> I mean that I may extract two tystreams fine and halfway
> through the third it will freeze or sometimes it will
> freeze on the first stream. I have tried running mfs_export
> on tht tivo and writing to a nfs partition as well as
> running vserver on the tivo and initiating the mfs_export
> from the linux box. Either way I experience tivo lock-ups.
> I'm running 2.5.1 on a Phillips SA unit with an upgraded hard
> disk.

How bigga disk?

Also, once your tivo reboots correctly, does that third stream
extract correctly later on, or does it die in the same (or similar)
spot every time?

Other than the usual stuff (OS getting kobongoed) if you have a very
large 7200RPM drive as your upgrade, mebbe your power supply's a
little dodgy?
Without more info, it's hard to tell if you could have a hardware or
software problem... include everything that sounds "out of the
ordinary" no matter how minor, and we'll see what we can do to get
you up & running.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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