extracting from tivo the way to go for directtv subscribers?

ThePith1@a... ThePith1 at a...
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:11:08 EST

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Hey all,
I have been doing some research and coming across these products: <A HREF="http://www.allthings.com.au/Digital%20Video%20Recording%20Remote%20Viewing%20Web%20Cams/Satellite%20TV%20DVB%20PCI.html">

I must ask the question, why can't we hook up or direct TV satellite feeds 
directly to our computers than with this Win DVB software record shows in 
MPEG-2 straight to the harddrive for archival, home networking, or 
dvd/vcd/svcd creation? 

InterVideo Inc.'s WinDVB along with satellite receiving hardware allows you 
to watch digital TV signals via a PCI interface DST card. Using a digital 
satellite TV receiver card(DST), is a low cost solution to view digital 
satellite TV programs. Users are able to watch DVD quality satellite TV 
programs. InterVideo WinDVB is an intuitive and simple-to-use DVB 
player/recorder providing easy access to satellite TV channels.

I know this is a bit off topic but seems some what relevant.

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