Corrupt Data on Tivo?

agassi_1_fan lmurray at r...
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 12:32:23 -0000

Sorry for the added work. There is so little info out on the web for 
extraction, that I thought I was doomed to write what was needed. 
Sorry, I'm new to this group.

Anyway, Whats next? I've used a few tools to extract the ty stream.
>From what I've read, tyc (for linux) and tyConvert (for windows) are 
the tools to directly convert to mpeg. I seem to remember a site 
that said that if you convert directy from ty to mpg using tyc, it'll 
keep the audio in sync with the video. Seems like a good hypothesis 
to me. Anyway, when I convert using either one of these tools, I end 
up crashing the tool (both tyc, and tyconvert.) It seems to happen 
when I extract multiple ty files. The crash or dump seems to occur 
where the ty files meet, so my mpg file is around 500MB. Does anyone 
else have this problem? Is there a newer version of tyc or tyConvert 
around? (i think tyconvert reported v.0.32).

i promise not to look at the tyc source code until someone replies. :)

Thanks for the help. This group is great.


--- In ExtractStream@y..., "jewser" <joshua@b...> wrote:
> --- In ExtractStream@y..., "agassi_1_fan" <lmurray@r...> wrote:
> > I've had headaches ever since I've started trying to extract. 
> > (Yes, I've added another drive.)
> > 
> > I've found that tridges original mfs_export worked well, but it 
> > extracted one FSID at a time. So... I found the code, and 
> > it to accept mulitple FSID's. I can now extract w/o any problems.
> Already been done. We do seem to get a bunch of repeating work. But 
> anyway. Check out the comments on mfs_stream...
> --jdiner