can't extract anything with any program

agassi_1_fan lmurray at r...
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 14:51:59 -0000


We'll, I can understand the frustration. I've been down this same
path with very little success. To pull the ty files off the tivo to
linux, many have suggested mfs_stream. Not sure where to find it, and
haven't tried it personally. I suspect someone will reply with a URL
for ya. I use mfs_export to pull the ty files off. (And a bastardize
d version I hacked up called mfs_export2.) To split the files, you
have a few choices. Theres a program called vsplit that works well. 
Page back though the archives to find the link. zss also works well.
splitsteam has worked well for me. tyc seems to fail too often for
my tastes.

Try some of those options. I've been working on a linux solution for
a few weeks now, and don't really have the answer. However, here are
my notes on what I've tried:

Its really not a website, it's really just a few notes. Most of it
has been collected off of other websites.

I will continue to work on the linux side as I have time. If you come
up with anything concrete, please post your results back here.

good luck, 

P.S. other fun tools and etc can be found here:

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "jfeynman122" <jfeynman122@y...> wrote:
> I've got a panasonic hdr212 tivo (US Stand alone unit) with version 
> 2.5.1-01-1-000 of the tivo software. I've tried using TyTool (alpha 
> 4), but its unable to complete a download of any show. I've tried 
> downloading a 30 minute show that was recorded at basic quality with 
> it, and it starts transfering the file, but then fails at a random 
> point, then starts over with a new output filename. It continues this 
> cycle until my hd is full of incomplete m2v files (also, after the 
> first unsuccessful dl, it seems to put the audio data in the txt file 
> and it doesn't create any new m2a files).
> I've also tried using ExtractStream, but it either immediatly craps 
> out or it grabs the wrong stream. sendstream v2 mostly works, or 
> atleast the stream it sends is a fairly constant size. The 'actual 
> yield'(that is, how much video zss can move to m2v before throwing 
> the remainder of the stream in bad-X) of video after running zss can 
> range from 5 to 25 minutes (with a 30 minute show). 
> So far, my only successful process has gone like this:
> 1) find the id for the show I want to extract from the nowplaying 
> page served up from http-tt.tcl.
> 2) run tivosh
> 3) dumpobj the id from step 1
> 4) dumpobj all part id's from step 3 (for a 30min basic show, its 
> just one id. These have always been the id from step one with 
> a /12,/14,etc on the end)
> 5) run sendstream -s "file ids from 4" | ./nc -n -w3 
> 11111
> 6) catch the stream on my linux box with ./nc -l -p 11111 > show.ty
> 7) use zss to split the show.ty into m2v and m2a
> 8) copy m2? to my win2k machine
> 9) use dvd2avi to make a d2v file from the m2v file
> 10) use tmpgenc to make an mpeg. 
> When I used ExtractStream, I did the exact same process, except with 
> ExtractStream in place of sendstream. 
> So, what am I doing wrong? 
> I also tried using tyc, but that threw a tremendous amount 
> of 'Skipping chunk bad timebase', and the mpeg it produced wouldn't 
> play in xine or win media player. I also tried using the hacked up 
> mplex, but it failed to produce anything.
> What I'd really like is a way to do all ty to mpeg/avi/rm conversion 
> completely from the command line under linux with as little human 
> intervention as possible. Has anyone managed to do this?
> Or, at the very least, a way to get the FSID without 2 cut and 
> paste's and running dumpobj twice?
> Thanks, Jon