What Does These Errors Mean? (TyTool)

tuvok.rm tuvok at r...
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 01:05:19 -0000

I'm trying to use TyTool.

I've copied via Binary tserver_mfs and NowShowing.tcl to the same 
directory on my TiVo. I did a chmod 777 on both files. 

On the TiVo I did a ./tserver_mfs .

The first error I get is:

bash-2.02# ./tserver_mfs
Waiting for an incomming connection!
SERVER: We got a message! buf = 'SHOWING'
invalid attribute: RecordQuality
while executing
"dbobj $setup get RecordQuality"
("uplevel" body line 3)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from within
"RetryTransaction {
set setup [db $db open /Setup]
set defrecquality [dbobj $setup get RecordQuality]
set setuptz [dbobj $setup get T..."
(procedure "init_db" line 25)
invoked from within
(file "./NowShowing.tcl" line 319)

Then I run TyTool and try to do a "Refresh" and i get:

Getting NowShowing data...
Sorry.. Could not obtain the list

Any idea how to get past these errors?