4GB Limit

jewser joshua at b...
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:13:34 -0000

> Ok so everone here knows this is a tivo file size
> limit problem. The very very old version of linux used
> had a 4GB file size limit. The tivo stores files in
> 512MB chunks to avoid this problem. Only way to avoid
> it is to modify the extraction software to split into
> more than one file at some point.

It already does. Check the docs for TyTool. The latest posting for 
TyTool #4. You can either get parts. Which will grab by TyStream file 
chunks, the 512mb mentioned above, or use the new Skip and Length 
features from the GUI. Then grab things to a certain length. For 
later stitching together do something like this:

On an SA Tivo:

Skip = 0 && Length == 20000

This will grab roughly an hour.

Then on the next go do:

Skip == 1950 && Length == 40000

And this will get the next hour etc...
