More 3.0 questions

celledge2 celledge2 at y...
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 15:27:12 -0000

While I haven't been upgraded to 3.0 yet, I am getting prepared by 
saving off some of my old shows. That leads to a question or two..

I recorded several shows when my unit was brand new and I have saved 
those until recently. I installed the TivoNet card and have tried 
several different apps to extract video, finally choosing Tytool for 
my needs. I noticed that I could extract all shows recorded since my 
unit was upgraded to 2.5, but none of the shows recorded when the 
recorder was new. Did the file format change in 2.5?

I assume that their will be similar problems with 3.0 by reading 
recent posts. Does anyone know much about 3.0? Has anyone 
successfully extracted video and audio from 3.0?
