more on FSID's
jeremy fuksa
jeremy at m...
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 12:36:38 -0500
I found a readme on PlayStream, and figured out where the FSID's are in
TiVoWEB. Now, when I do ExtractStream the FSID that I'm coming up with,
I'm only getting part of the program.
I.E. I am trying to extract South Park, which the FSID was 38985. I do
the following
export VIDEO_OUT=/var/tmp/sp.m2v
export AUDIO_OUT=/var/tmp/sp.m2a
ExtractStream 38985
It runs for a while and then stops. I get an .m2v file that's about 118
MB and an .m2a file that's about 7 MB.
I ftp'ed them over to my Windows PC and played the .m2v file, and it
looks great but is only about 5 min. long.
I noticed on the ExtractStream readme on that it had
three FSID's as arguments, which leads me to believe that I am only
extracting the first segment of the show. But, how do I find the FSID's
for the other segments???
jeremy fuksa - creative director productions
face facts... design matters
p: 816.505.7993
c: 816.806.0104
f: 877.804.5237
e: jeremy@m...