FSID Patch for TivoWeb 1.9.4b2 (was Re: [ExtractStream] Cannot get FSID's!!!

Stealth Dave stealthdave at s...
30 Jun 2002 14:56:06 -0700

I made a little patch which will work for most versions of TivoWeb
(tested on 1.9.3 and up) that will list the FSIDs on the program page. 
It's a very small patch based on a previous patch for 1.9.2 which I
refined and whittled down. You can either patch it manually or use the
UNIX "patch" command. Here's the patch file for version 1.9.4b2:

--cut here--
< set tystreamlist ""
< foreach part $parts {
< set file [dbobj $part get File]
< append tystreamlist " $file" 
< }
< puts $chan "<TR><TD>TyStream</TD><TD>$tystreamlist</TD></TR>"
--end here--

*Note: the last line ("<TR><TD>...", etc.) should be part of the "puts
$chan" line, just in case your mail width is set too small

If you are using Linux, *BSD, or otherwise have the standard "patch"
tool installed on your system (sorry, it's not in the /tivo-bin/ tools),
use this command:

patch -R ui.itcl.patch ui.itcl

Where ui.itcl.patch is the name of the patch file that you cut and

If you don't have patch and you just want to cut-and-paste the changes
(or you're trying to patch a version of TivoWeb other than 1.9.4b2),
open the ui.itcl file in your favorite text editor and search for the
following string:


That should be right around line 1191. Add the patch lines either
directly above or below that line, minus the leading "<". Now TivoWeb
will display the FSIDs on the program information page.

The TivoWeb project home page can be found at http://tivo.lightn.org/.

- Stealth Dave

On Sun, 2002-06-30 at 08:10, mobcarmedia wrote:
> I just installed ExtractStream last night and haven't been able to 
> get httpd.tcl to show anything in the NowShowing. My TiVo has 3.0 on 
> it. I have TiVoWEB 1.9.4.b2 running successfully. Is there a way to 
> find FSID's on it? I also tried TivoApp on Win2k, but it crashes 
> every time I run it.
> Please help a newbie!
> Jeremy
David E. Still phone:818.980.6909
dave@s... http://www.stilldesigning.com