Audio sync - I'm new to this

skorous skorous at y...
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 22:26:31 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "Edmond E. Shwayri" <eshwayri@n...> wrote:

I just multiplex'ed one and it didn't make a difference but I'm 
thinking of starting at the beginning in case something happened to 
the original streams. If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions 
for you (or anyone else of course).

1) How close should the audio and video file be in size? Mine are 
different by two or three seconds usually. 

2) I don't recall getting source with my splitstream (memory is 
faulty so I'll have to check of course) but do you have a pre-
compiled version? Also, does splitstream compile under Linux?

3) I also have digital cable, how often have you come across a chunk 
with > 255 records? I remembered reading your message about the 
faulty computation but don't remember you ever having some across 
them. I'm just curious how likely this is.

Thanks for your help and thanks to everyone who's done all the pre-
cursor work for this project.
