[ExtractStream] Re: Audio sync - I'm new to this

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 08:16:03 -0800 (PST)

--- skorous <skorous@y...> wrote:

> 1) How close should the audio and video file be in size? Mine are 
> different by two or three seconds usually. 

They should be dead on -- 95+% of my streams (audio & video) all come
out to 1 hour, 1 minute (I start my stuff a minute early).

> 2) I don't recall getting source with my splitstream (memory is 
> faulty so I'll have to check of course) but do you have a pre-
> compiled version? Also, does splitstream compile under Linux?

Splitstream's source is in the .zip file available on Joe's website -
link is on my webpage. Source is also available for my modifications
- which I call zss... Here's my website:


> 3) I also have digital cable, how often have you come across a
> chunk 
> with > 255 records? I remembered reading your message about the 
> faulty computation but don't remember you ever having some across 
> them. I'm just curious how likely this is.

Not sure - but I'll have a way of logging how many records per chunk
when my mods are finished.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm an "information junkie" - I
*love* logging... ;-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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