Chunk 0 and 4095

Grant Stockly grant at s...
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 01:27:23 -0900

It seems that 131072 byte chunk 0 and 4095 are...messed up. (or the first 
and last in a fsid). (when mfs_export is used)
Chunk 0 doesn't seem to kill playitsam, and all of the splitstream type 
utilities seem to throw it away, but the last chunks cause problems. If 
I try to edit and save a single stream file with playitsam and then cat 
them together, it seg faults on the last invalid chunk (which for me is 
random bits of old programming)...
I've tried passing -b (fsid size - 131072) and so far have received good 
results. I no longer have chunk of an old SNL at the end of a stargate 
fsid. I haven't tried catting two streams together yet (to see if 
playitsam will work).

Anyone know the best way to chop the last 131072 bytes from a file? I have 
a ton of already ripped files. I plan to just use split with a -b 
byte_count of my desired size. Throw away the left over. : )

Example output from splitstream:

Bad chunk (header?) 0, skipping <---- Beginning of first fsid
Chunk 4095 has bad sequence, ignoring chunk <----End of first fsid
Bad chunk (header?) 4096, skipping <--- First chunk of second fsid
chunk 4097 is good. <---second chunk second fsid
Chunk 12287 has bad sequence, ignoring chunk <---last chunk 3rd file
Bad chunk (header?) 12288, skipping <--first chunk 4th file
chunk 12289 is good. <--second chunk 4th file

last bad chunk: 13887 - Last bad chunk seems to be last chunk...period.