[ExtractStream] Chunk 0 and 4095

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 10:46:23 -0800 (PST)

--- Grant Stockly <grant@s...> wrote:
> It seems that 131072 byte chunk 0 and 4095 are...messed up. (or the
> first 
> and last in a fsid). (when mfs_export is used)


> Anyone know the best way to chop the last 131072 bytes from a file?
> I have 
> a ton of already ripped files. I plan to just use split with a -b 
> byte_count of my desired size. Throw away the left over. : )


My latest version of zss (0.54) has the switches to drop a certain #
of chunk{s} from the input, and only process a certain # of chunk{s}
-- but it's kinda clunky, and after the first run, if you don't
rename the files, the second run will overwrite them... (including
the logfile...)

Sounds like I just found the next two changes/additions to zss I'm
going to make:

1) the ability to "split" the full stream without any output - so you
can get the full logfiles without having all those extra writes &
hammer the H.D.

2) have the proggie make sure that if the files already exist, to
append to them instead of overwrite them - that way multiple extracts
are much easier...

Anything else you can think of (that an old klunker like me might be
able to do :-) ???

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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