[ExtractStream] New version of zss available... lotsa added features!

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 08:50:18 -0800 (PST)

--- Michael Patterson <mpatterson@a...> wrote:

> I do a:
> zss -v -v -d20 omwf
> and get the following output:
> Audio sequence number bogus 2e48a0!=2f0fc0 at chunk 7531
> record10Audio
> sequence number bogus 2e48a0!=2ee3e0 at chunk 27089 record 8
> The output I get is significantly shorter than it should be, and
> although I
> haven't checked the audio, the video garbles after a short period
> of time.
> I can provide any other information as needed. The ty stream itself
> is 4
> gigs, so, although I can send it, it'll be darn slow.

Just a couple of questions: are you running OS 2.5 on your Tivo? If
so, do you have the Variable Bit Rate ("Save Room" option, or
somesuch) set? I don't know how compatible zss or anything else is
with that... I turned it off first thing, and have never used it so I
dunno what kind of wonky things it might do to the stream...

Also, I didn't write the original code that splits the tystream - but
I'm slowly learning that part & learning about MPEG[2] in general...
so others here might be of more help than me. I do have 3Mbit to the
backbone, so I could handle a file that big, but it might be better
to use the -d option to drop all but 2 or 3 chunks before the error,
and use the -c option to only process say... 8 chunks of the file -
that would make a 1 megabyte file for each error, which I would
gladly host on my website for others to download & tinker around

If we need such a thing as a "tystream error clearinghouse" I could
dedicate a couple-hundred Megs to such a critter... and if it gets
popular I could mebbe drop in a 4 to 10-gig drive in the webserver &
dedicate it to just that... - but if that were to happen, I might
have to sell a little advertising to help offset the costs of
bandwidth & whatnot (but I'd keep it small & simple...)

Just thunking out loud... ;-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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