tyConvert memory error

zathrasinspace douglass at a...
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 08:15:01 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "cmcarson2000" <cmcarson2000@y...> wrote:
> When I run tyConvert on my windows computer to converty a raw 
> tyStream to an mpeg file I get a bunch of memory allocation error 
> windows and then the program exits. Has anyone experienced this 
> problem?

You betcha. As Grant Stockly recently posted, some of us need to 
massage the tystreams a bit before concatenating them together on our 
peecees. And, as I recently learned in a thread in 
s=770eb1c10a92f3263289ec4957480a99&threadid=8091>, you need to remove 
the beginning chunk of all but the first tystream, and the ending 
chunk of all but the last tystream. Towards that end, I've written a 
little script which, when uploaded to TIVo and run, creates one big 
tystream which, when fed to tyc, yields a perfect (best I can tell) 
mpg and the following error messages:

Converting file...Timecode jumps!
Skipping chunk bad timebase
Skipping chunk bad timebase
Skipping chunk bad timebase
Skipping chunk bad timebase

That's it! My script assumes: You have netcat ("nc") installed in 
c:/windows (so it will be in your "path"), netcat installed in a 
directory in your path on TiVo, and terminal window up on TiVo, and a 
dos prompt (or cygwin prompt) on your peecee (mine's running WinME).
Here's the script - Hopefully you can puzzle-out what may have to be 
changed for your particular installation (like, the IP address of your 

# Run this on the tivo, in a directory in your PATH
# Feed it a series of fsids. 
# It will tranfer them to your Windows PC.
puts "In the directory on your pc where you want the tystream,"
puts "run the following line in a dos or cygwin window:\n"
puts "nc -L -p 1200 >> stream.ty"
puts "Press <return> when you have thus started netcat in DOS." 
gets stdin
catch "exec rm /var/transfer"
catch "exec mkfifo transfer"

set s ""
foreach fsid $argv {
catch "exec cat /var/tfr | /hack/bin/nc -n -w 5 
1200 & "
if {[lindex $argv end] != "$fsid"} then {
set s "$s-c 536608768 "
set cmd "exec mfs_export $s$fsid tfr "
puts "executing: $cmd"
catch "$cmd"
puts "transfered $fsid"
set s "-s 131072 "

Note that this uses the "L" (upper-case) option of netcat to concat 
all the tystreams together, so make sure the file is empty or doesn't 
exist before you start, lest you end up concating two shows together.

Let me know how this works for you. I've exhaustively tested this 
script once on my Sony2000 Stand-alone running 2.5.1a. This weekend 
I'll try to modify TiVoweb to less-inconveniently list the fsids for 
each show.
