How long to extract a video?

skorous skorous at y...
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 19:27:41 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "knightshade23" <dblum1@r...> wrote:
> Hello -
> For some reason, it took me ~3 hours to get a stream
> off of the Tivo to an NFS mount point on a Sun box at my house.
> From other FAQs that I've read it should take 20min-1hr.
> (I'm using a TivoNet from 9thTee.)
> I've tried both ExtractStream v3 (I TivoMad'ed my Tivo),
> and sendstream with similar results.
> I have a fully switched 100 mb network,
> and neither the Sun or the Tivo are reporting any issues.
> (The Tivo has only seen 61 collisions out of 7M packets)
> I don't think that this is an issue with the network itself.
> Can anyone share their experince?
> Is this delay unusual?

I won't be a lot of help but I'll try. First, you don't mention how 
long the show was that you removed. It's to long, regardless, but how
drastically out of whack it is I don't know. Have you tried using
NetCat and if so how different were the results? I'm wondering if it
might be something odd about Sun's implementation of NFS (or perhaps
more accurately, Linux's implementation since Sun's been doing it 
much longer). 

I've NFS extracted files before but to a linux box and though it is 
significantly slower than netcat I can still actually _WATCH_ the 
box so I never complained. When I use netcat it skips badly unless I 
mess with the "nice" value (yes I know nice doesn't do anything).

Finally, I do remember reading something on one of the other forums 
(ptvupgrade? Rats, I hate getting old) that you can speed things up 
by setting a higher block size for NFS. Best clue I can give you...
