ExtractStream failures

skorous skorous at y...
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 02:03:59 -0000

> Hmm -- I don't remember where the instructions for using netcat to 
do this
> are, but just looking at this seems wrong -- shouldn't $VIDEO_OUT 
> $AUDIO_OUT be fed INTO the netcat application? It looks like 
you've got two
> things (netcat and ExtractStream) trying to WRITE to the FIFOs and 
> to READ from them...
> --
> Trevor

Dude, I totally missed that. Yeah, ExtractStream is giving it's data 
to those fifo's and it's netcat's job to take it _OUT_ of them. I 
think it's documented wrong in one of the How-To's and he must've cut 
and pasted it.
