[ExtractStream] How to get the FSID Numbers

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Fri, 17 May 2002 19:08:55 -0700 (PDT)

--- Michael Loftis <mloftis@w...> wrote:
> Errr. shoot me for being stupid, but are the files you're getting 
> (TYstreams) 2Gb? :P

Bang! ;^> just kidding... ;-)

> Sounds very much likely to me that you're hitting the 2Gb file size
> limit on some OSes. What are you writing the TY sttreams out to?


Noper - by my math, 1.6G is right around 400Meg short of the 2G
filesize limit anyway, so that shouldn't be a problem...


Winders 2K NTFS filesystem, so it shouldn't be a problem.

On Best quality, methinks the filesizes are over 2G, but I've done a
few Best quality shows with no problem... and I did one 2-hour movie
for a friend (Slapshot, [read: ancient] and he has a Dish network
satellite dish just like me, so making 1 archive copy for him of a
show he could receive on the same signal as me - and he'd just
watched watched it, so it shouldn't be *too* much of a stretch for
fair-use law... ;-) which pegged over 3 Gig, and haven't had a
problem, yet...

No, the problem is not getting all of the video data off of the Tivo
- the routines used to get the data aren't getting all of it. Under
TivoWeb, a show that should consume 1.6G of data is only *showing* a
filesize of 1.0->1.1 Gig, and reflecting that once downloaded to my
Winders box, and is splitting to roughly 45 minutes of video, which
makes for a show ending that only Hitchcock could love... ;-)

You'll have to excuse my oververbiage... I put in an 8 hour day on my
day off, then got to go back for 2 more. I'z an owner, so I don't get
OT, so I'm doing a little OT with the Molson Canadian... ;^>

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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