[ExtractStream] Video Editing the TY Stream or the Mpeg2 Mux

Rick Wohleber rick at w...
Fri, 17 May 2002 23:01:39 -0400

BTW, the topic should have been Video Editing, not Video Conferencing
(see what happens when you type and drink?) - apologies.

I tried the link below, but it is not responding - I'll try again

I'm using Ulead because I couldn't get TMPGEnc to edit out per frame
(the smallest increment it seems to cut at is by the second, whereas
Ulead Media Studio can cut in a timeline sequence by the frame, which
provides transparent cuts). Maybe I'm just not finding all the
abilities of TMPGEnc (I went on their web site and didn't find a
manual). I agree that doing it in TMPGEnc would be better, as it would
eliminate a transcoding step (and thereby increase quality).

I'm probably missing something basic, so let me know what I've missed if
you don't mind!

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Merchberger [mailto:zmerch7@y...] 
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 6:58 PM
To: ExtractStream@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ExtractStream] Video Conferencing the TY Stream or the
Mpeg2 Mux

--- Rick Wohleber <rick@w...> wrote:
> I'd like to get some advice on Video Editing of either the TY
> stream
> directly (ideal situation) or the muxed Mpeg2 SVCD 480x480 file
> that I
> create with TMPGEnc.

It sounds like you're already transcoding the MPEG2 with tmpgenc,

> I'm currently using Ulead Media Studio, which has 2 things I don't
> like:

Why are you using Ulead, if you're already using TMPGEnc? Have you
seen my instructions for what I do? If not, they're at:


If you'd [or anyone else] would like their own webspace on
tivo.30below.com, all you need to do is let me know what you want for
a userid & password...

Otherwise, there aren't any programs [yet] that you can use to edit
the tystream directly, but eventually, what I'm working on is close -
I'm hoping to learn enough about the MPEG2 standard to be able to
have an "intelligent" zss/splitstream/whatever, as it would spit out
probable commercial breakpoints, and give you the option to split on
those GOP frame numbers.

But... that's far into the future, at this point...

HTH, and Laterz,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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