[Extractstream [mailman]] So near and yet so far

Scott Alfter scott at alfter.us
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:25:14 -0700

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 02:56:04PM +0100, extract@dormon.com wrote:
> I'm so close to getting this all working.
> Series 1 tivo with two 120GB drives and running OS 2.5.5 with tivo web 
> 1.9.4
> sendstream 0.2 seems to pull the correct tyStream (very very slowly, I'm 
> dumping it via NFS) but when I use splitstream I end up with a massive 
> badchunk.ty file, and only about 10secs of video of a half hour show.
> Has anyone got this working with large disks in a Linux only 
> environment?

Have you tried using netcat instead of NFS?  I use something like this on
the TiVo side:

sendstream -s xxxxxxx ... | nc -n -w 15 1200

("xxxxxxx ..." is the set of tyStream numbers; is the IP
address of the receiving machine.)

On the receiving machine (mine's Win2K, but Linux should be the same), use

nc -l -p 1200 >foo.ty

Start the receiver before the sender, then wait for the video to come
through.  Once you have the video, process it in the usual manner...don't
know how splitstream works, but TyTool works fairly well.  TyTool's
Win32-only, though...if splitstream won't get the job done for you, maybe
you can try running TyTool under Wine or VMware.

 / v \  Scott Alfter (salfter@salfter.dyndns.org)
(IIGS(  http://salfter.dyndns.org
 \_^_/  pkill -9 /bin/laden