[SA-exim] Heads up on current releases

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Wed, 15 May 2002 17:43:37 -0700


Just a heads up if you are using sa-exim on your mail server:
I've seen at least two instances where something weird happened

One mail ended up in my mailbox like this:
Subject: Re: Thanks for the mixesContent-Type: text/plain;
  charset=us-asciiX-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.4 required=1.0
  tests=IN_REP_TO version=2.20X-Spam-Level: 

I  haven't yet  found  what triggers  this,  but I  recommend  you set  your
debugging level  to 6 so that  you get a  good debug trace should  this ever
happen to you (only happened once to me in 1000 mails/day or so)
Note that it's not a critical bug, it's trivial to fix the Email, and
nothing is lost. It's just something that shouldn't happen :-)

I  have full  debugging turned  on on  my server,  but this  hasn't happened
again, so I may not be able to fix this right away

If  you  do see  something  like  this, please  report  it  to me  (and  the
appropriate debug lines would be greatly appreciated :-D)

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