[SA-exim] SA-scan compared to exiscan

Tom Kistner tom at duncanthrax.net
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:56:37 +0200

Marc MERLIN wrote:

> [Ccing Tom, exiscan author, so that he can correct me if needed]

No corrections necessary :) I have added the antispam facility to 
exiscan since most people want to do both av and antispam. However, my 
goal is always to keep the configuration as simple as possible and the 
impact on the SMTP protocol as low as possible, so exiscan does not 
support as many options as sa-exim and I will also not go into things 
like tarpitting.

> I thought exiscan 4 went in local_scan, but that Tom gave you the option
> to daisy chain sa-exim?

Yes. I moved exiscan out of local_scan completely, so you can use any 
other local_scan plugin in conjunction with exiscan. It is no problem to 
use both exiscan and sa-exim together, and I would recommend it to those 
who need a more sophisticated antispam configuration. :)



Tom Kistner  <tom@duncanthrax.net>
ICQ 1501527  dcanthrax@efnet