[SA-exim] 3.0 is great!

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Wed Apr 30 17:03:43 PDT 2003

On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 06:52:58PM -0400, Brian Kendig wrote:
> A couple of thoughts while I set it up, feel free to ignore...
> I was confused at the "missing sa-exim.h" error during the exim 
> compile.  (The INSTALL file still says that I just copy sa-exim-x.y.c 
> over src/local_scan.c and it'll work.)
Aaaah, very true, I forgot that some people still just patch exim.
I only tested building sa-exim as a module (which then works correctly
with my makefile)
> Then I noticed that 'make' will create this file, so I ran 'make'... 
> and got a whole bunch of "ld: Undefined symbols" errors (_main, 
> _expand_string, _header_add, _header_list, etc.) and failed to make 
> sa-exim-3.0.so, but it does appear to have made a good sa-exim.h.

That seems to say that it wasn't able to find the exim local_scan.h
when trying to build sa-exim-3.0.so, but I now provide the file to avoid
just this problem.
If you can't build the module or reproduce this in some way, please send me
more details off list, I'll see if I can fix that.

> Thank you very much for making the messages a configurable option in 
> the conf file!  And by the way, 'make spamassassin_short.conf' leaves a 
> whole bunch of blank lines in the file... it's not really all that 

A few. Multiple blank lines are collapsed into one.
One empty line to separate options a bit is not the end of the world :)

> important or necessary, though, 'cos I just stripped all the 
> documentation out of my copy of the file.  :)

Whatever makes you happy :-)

> I notice you still have the code in there for the deprecated 'stall' 
> stuff.  Will that be going away any time soon?  (I don't use it, I was 
> just curious.)

I thought I had removed it from the config file. I'll make sure it's really
gone. I'll probably drop it from the code soon too.

Thanks for the report.

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