[SA-exim] 3.0 is great!

Brian Kendig brian at enchanter.net
Wed Apr 30 19:52:58 PDT 2003

Marc, you ROCK.  :-D  I'm installing sa-exim 3.0 right now.

A couple of thoughts while I set it up, feel free to ignore...

I was confused at the "missing sa-exim.h" error during the exim 
compile.  (The INSTALL file still says that I just copy sa-exim-x.y.c 
over src/local_scan.c and it'll work.)

Then I noticed that 'make' will create this file, so I ran 'make'... 
and got a whole bunch of "ld: Undefined symbols" errors (_main, 
_expand_string, _header_add, _header_list, etc.) and failed to make 
sa-exim-3.0.so, but it does appear to have made a good sa-exim.h.

Thank you very much for making the messages a configurable option in 
the conf file!  And by the way, 'make spamassassin_short.conf' leaves a 
whole bunch of blank lines in the file... it's not really all that 
important or necessary, though, 'cos I just stripped all the 
documentation out of my copy of the file.  :)

I notice you still have the code in there for the deprecated 'stall' 
stuff.  Will that be going away any time soon?  (I don't use it, I was 
just curious.)

  ____    |\/|                 Brian Kendig   Set your priorities right.
  \  /\   / ..__.    brian at enchanter net   No one ever said on his
   \/  \__\   _/   http://www.enchanter.net/  death bed, "Gee, if I'd
    \__   __  \_      Be insatiably curious.  only spent more time at
       \____\___\           Ask "why" a lot.  the office."

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