[Empeg-general] Re: After some use...

jimhogan@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org jimhogan@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 07:06:00 GMT

I finally got a chance to wire my (red) Empeg up on my boat today.  It went in a spot previously occupied by an amber-display Kenwood FM/cassette (601?).  It was not an unusually sunny day by Seattle standards (choke!), but when the sun hit the boat I (personally) remarked to myself how poorly the Empeg display fared in comparison to the Kenwood it displaced.  I found myself having to hold a hat in front of the Empeg to shade the display, something I hadn't had to do in 4-5 years with the Kenwood.

I don't think I was imagining anything.  In fact, I'm posting here after coming home and doing a search on "dimmer" -- thought perhaps that I was doing something wrong.

I am *not* ready to tint the ports on my sailboat!  However, I expect that I will at some point hook up a laptop on the boat to run nav software (not like I'm heading to the south seas, I just love the stuff!), so perhaps I can also run Emplode on the laptop and use that to run the Empeg on sunny days.

Seriously, it's a great unit.  Brighter would be better.
