[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg

Steve Schow sjs@bstage.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:29:01 -0700

tape backup is actually the best way...no question about it...  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Burnside [mailto:burnside@alaska.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 4:42 PM
> To: empeg-general@empeg.merlins.org
> Subject: [Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg
> > So what's called for here, is a utility in emplode that 
> pulls out a copy of the empeg contents, perhaps in an 
> encrypted form, stream it out, break it up into ZIP disk 
> sized chunks, or onto a CD burner.
> But, Calvin -- 36 gigabytes would require 360 zip 100 MB ZIP 
> disks.  Assuming that somebody would want to hang around and 
> copy that many disks, the expense would be such that you 
> could afford to buy a second empeg as a backup storage device 
> and use the empeg clone utility to copy your music over to it 
> -- and still have enough money left to buy an amp and a subwoofer.
> The CD burner idea might be more practical, it would only 
> take about 50--60 CDRs to store 36 GB, but it would require a 
> full 8-hour day to do it, and it would require a $100 CD 
> burner (are they cheaper than that now?) and about $30 worth of media.
> Better way would be to buy a 40 GB hard drive for about $200 
> (ebay?) and make that a dedicated empeg storage device on 
> your PC.  That's what I'll do when my music collection 
> finally outruns the current storage on my PC.
> tanstaafl.
> "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
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