[Empeg-general] Re: EQ Question/Feature Enhancement

Ezekiel@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org Ezekiel@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 03:48:00 GMT

   First let me say that the eq is one of the strongest features (outside the searching obvs.) but I have to chime in and agree that 10 front & 10 back would be great.  

I have two reasons for this:

1. Most people have different speakers F & R, not L&R not to mention 2 different amps (1 front/1 rear).

2. A 10 front/back is more intuitive to the majority of people who don't want/need to understand tweaking the freq & q.  If there's 10 instead of 5 bands then they have 2x the chance of getting close on the 1st shot without needing to engage the brain, a task that can be difficult sitting in the back seat of parked car under the hot sun trying to twiddle the EQ! 

   The manual is skimpy on the EQ description and I booted myself out of the sound menu a few times before I got what I wanted, so a straightforward method is preferable.  Yes, the sun _was_ getting to me.

   On the importance scale I give this one a 3, far below cleaning/fixing emplode, but hey if 10L/10R is possible, this one shouldn't be that hard ;-).  

ps: if i had to explain empeg in a fairy tale it would be "a wonderful little magic box that held all the music you could ever desire..."

yah yah, it's late. I know.

just say you weren't paying much attention...