[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification & how to build it

Paul Wayper paulway@earthling.net
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 03:31:00 GMT

I'll third list.  I installed it, and the first thing it did was ask for demographic information including pay rate.  For someone who doesn't live in the USA this is relatively meaningless, and I always suspect anything that tries to get this kind of information from me - it smells too much like targetted advertising.  I quit it and deinstalled it immediately.

Therefore I haven't tried out the program at all.  I don't think it's unreasonable for the program to continue working if I try to cancel that dialog, albeit without whatever benefit that information might provide to it.  I also want to know why it needs to know that information before I'll fill it in.

Suspiciously yours,


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