[Empeg-general] I FOUND THE MPEG+ SITE!!!!!!!!

HighWayDrifter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org HighWayDrifter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 07:47:00 GMT



now im not a sound engineer or anything but hell read a lil bit about it and tell me what u guys think.  from what i have seen and read it rocks

*cut and pasted*
Encoding with default-parameters leads to very high quality, that in general exceeds the quality of known MP3-encoders like Lame. MPEGplus shows nearly no preechos or flanging. 
MPEGplus - regarding to the quality - works very stable, what means that i do only know very few signals on which differences to the original audiosignal are audible. 
With the current version - encoder with StreamVersion 7 (SV7) - the average bitrates are about 150 to 160 kbit/s. Noncritical signals are going to about 100 kbit/s, more critical signals are going up to about 200 kbit/s. 
The Encoder runs with 2x realtime on a P3-750, the Winamp-plugin needs about 4% CPU-load. 

Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...