[Empeg-general] Re: Warranty label cracked!

Tony Fabris tfabris@jps.net
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 22:50:00 GMT

> Shortly after having my Mk2 installed in my car, I noticed that the warranty label has cracked...

This is normal. It will not void your warranty. The metal top of the player tends to flex and crack the labels. At this time, empeg is planning on changing the warranty labels, possibly by moving them to the inside of the player. Rob's last statement on this topic is <A HREF="http://empeg.comms.net/cgi-bin/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=empeg_general&Number=17613&page=&view=&sb=&vc=1#Post17613" target="_new">here</A>.

<A HREF="http://www.jps.net/tfabris" target="_new">Tony Fabris</A>_