[ExtractStream] Re: My Dangerous Idea - A technical question, not a legal question

sharkey@a... sharkey at a...
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 17:03:43 -0400

> Some ask, why not just drop a A/V cable into the living
> room if you want to watch a show there? The answer is that I want to be
> able to pause, instant replay and fast forward commercials without having to
> run up and down stairs.

BTW, this is a solved problem, too. I use a pair of "X10 powermid" infrared
to radio transceivers. You just need to bring the tivo remote into
the other room with you, or order a spare remote.

I don't see them for sale on x10's website anymore, but you can find them
pretty cheaply on eBay from time to time.

