anyone shed some light on how to use TMPGEnc?

iam@t... iam at t...
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 17:27:48 -0000

I can't seem to figure out how to use TMPGEnc with the 2 files that 
are output by the EventStream program. I have placed the TiVo-VCD.mcf 
file into the Template and Template\Extra folders. When I try to 
import the .m2v file the TMPGEnc says that it is not supported.

I was able to use the "MPEG Tools" function to do a "Simple 
Multiplex" of the .m2v and .m2a files. But the resultant file is a 
MPEG with dimensions of 352x480.

Maybe I haven't done enough reading. Maybe I should stick with linux 
rather than Windows NT 4.